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Tijekom proljeća i ljeta,veliki broj ptica koje se gnijezde imaju poodrasle mlade koji iskušavaju svoja krila. Upravo tada se i događaju ispadanja iz gnijezda koja najčešće završavaju tragično, jer mladu ptice koje nađete ne možete vratiti u gnijezdo i jednostavno ne znate što i kako dalje. Tu je i bezbroj pitanja: Što ptica jede? Kako ju smjestiti? Koliko je hraniti i kada...itd
Posao i obaveze čine svoje – htjeli biste spasiti to malo biće, ali jednostavno, ne možete. Zbog toga predlažem obratite se nama i zajedno ćemo riješiti problem.

Pitanja ishrane determiniranje vrste, postupak sa pticom i njega mladih ptica kao i sve ostalo što vas zanima
možete nači na ovim stranicama ili postaviti upit na koji čemo vam odgovoriti ubrzo, jer svaka ptica je bitna.

Nije nemoguće pomoći pticama da prežive i proguraju to teško krhko doba, jer iz svog iskustva i dugogodišnjeg ornitološkog rada znam da je to itekako moguće i realno..

Pozivam vas da se, ukoliko imate pitanja, slobodno javite ili nas nazovite na kontakt broj, pošaljite mail i fotografiju ptice i mi čemo vam pomoći da pticu spasite. Ako je ptica prekrhka da je sami othranite ili ne znate kako ju njegovati zbog bojazni od uginuča, donesite je ili pošaljite ako je moguće, u Ornitološkom Laboratoriju cemo se pobrinuti othraniti je, tako joj spasiti život, a potom i pustiti u prirodno stanište vrste. Možete i prisustvovati puštanju ptice koju ste pronašli i vidjeti kako ptica odlazi u slobodu.
                                                                                                                      preds. DZPPP OL  Manuel Jacmenović

Aloud me to introduce are work in Croatia, We are Association for protection help and exploring of birds “Ornitology Laboratory“ is first and only association it's kind in Croatia. Mainly it is because we have focus and specialised only on expert and adequate help for birds. Except profesional assistance, in the description of our activities is our commitment to preserve the bird population in Croatia as protecting of their habitat and creating of favorable conditions for resettlement of species expelled from their habitat because of urbanization. Reintroduction should be natural proces and our approach is based on returning of birds by adequate preparation of habitats, ie creating nesting conditions.
Guided by this idea we build the bird houses anatomically designed to fit every individual species and to attract the target bird population for which they are intended. We also patented more nesting platform for day and nocturnal prey bird and innovative solutions that are not yet widely used and guarantee a large percentage of settlements due to their shape and functionality.
Also it should be noted  that we are installing homes by a special technique of human approach - with no dangerous nails and metal parts for the tree on which the bird houses are placed.
In our association we are trying to educate (through interactive ornithological workshops) many adults nature enthusiasts which are thirsty knowledge and understanding of birds, but also youngest population which we try to present all the value of life around them and the importance of preserving it with the aim of creating awareness which we hope, later can create love not only for birds, but the whole nature as a precious phenomenon on Earth.
In the same goal we organize one and two-day trips and birdwatching not only for our members - all who are interested can come and join in photo safari and bird watching with expert ornithological support and determination of species as well as education of each species individually.
With all this primary goal of our association is the creation of a center-asylum for nursing, revitalization and reintroduction of young wild birds. It should be noted that birds we find in the time of first departures from the nests hundreds and thousands of birds are found by people who do not have the proper professional knowledge needed to care for young birds. That is why unfortunately, every year, they are unsuccessfully disposed of inadequate dispensaries whose primary activity is not ornithology, and most of them (due to improper care and lack of information) ultimately die.
In the last 9 years we have acted as an unregistered association, but we saved revitalized and released a large number of birds but still too small in relation to some registered organisations that had the infrastructure and vehicles for emergency intervention and financial support. Unfortunately, they not have the adequate experience and professional approach needed for the birds they collected at the station and survive to release.
Because of the non-specialization, many associations whose primary activity is the general protection of nature and animals proclaim completely healthy birds that have been found to be cared and should be reintroduced into a habitat, and condemn them to literally life-long imprisonment without realizing them the evaluation is completely wrong. Also, what is very sad, many of the young birds that end up are accept by unskilled persons. This is one of the reasons why we founded the association and why we exist, wanting to change the lack of education which does not look good to birds, would like to change it ..
Therefore, we have decided to change the statistics and register the association that will really be able to adequately assist every young and adult healthy bird with problems that do not affect the veterinary profession. Nurturing from young age, revitalization, care of young birds at the earliest age, bird release and reintroduction, ornithotropic advice for people who have indoor birds or found a bird they can not help. In addition, we personally assist by adopting the birds that are proclaimed non flyers / injuries that are fatal in the sense of normal life in the wild/ by the decision of the veterinary profession  
Educational short ornithological contributions we record the videos to bring the actual situation with birds and bird species in the right light, breaking folk beliefs and myths, disinformation of the media, or simply a folk tradition that sometimes knows a great enemy of birds. We love birds and we will strive in the future, so we have a lot of plans and ideas. We are young people who enjoy every rescue action and help the birds.
The Society for the Protection helping and exploring of Birds "Ornithological Laboratory" was established with the following goals:
• Education and protection of birds and nature as well as adequate expert assistance to wild birds. • Cooperation with associations and institutions for the protection of birds and nature. • Advisory contribution to designing solutions for better ornithological usability of space in parks and gardens, or green areas, whether public or private, all for purpose and with the aim of protecting birds and increasing the diversity of avifauna.
• Establishing asylum for the uninhabited or the needy birds in the diet or are prerequisites for reintroduction in areas where they once inhabited.
• Setting up a platform for white stork (Ciconia ciconia) setup viewpoint   on important migratory paths of migratory birds and winter visitors in Croatia.
• Help and cooperation with ornithological societies, pond and Falcon alliance.
• commitment to revitalization and protection of cultural, historical and monumental values of rural areas,     
• Maintenance and improvement of the environment,
• Preservation of local heritage,
• Stimulating local economics
• Raising awareness of the importance of bird care and the environment
• Caring for the health of the members of the Association
• Enhancing and Enhancing Citizens' awareness of the environment and the birds in their region
The association meets the goals in the field:  • Protect nature
• Education, Science and Research • Sustainable development • Protection of the environment and nature
Currently we face a lot of obstacles in the realization of our plans because each of our project tied to finances that we prevent a lot that we operate at the speed which we have set.
We finance ourselves with our own means that are not enough to open a bird sanctuary with all the equipment and infrastructure and purchase vehicles for emergency intervention t that is necessary due to the departure of the bird to be helped because sometimes minutes have great role, as the need for special food for birds in recovery without which we cannot accept larger bird number
Any donation or sponsorship and gift financial or material support is more than welcome as it leads us closer to the achievement of the target, the greater the percentage of wild bird survivors and the number of species that are almost on the verge of disappearing.
The official site of the association called the ORNITOLOGICAL LABORATORY is designed to provide always accessible information that could at any time help its content to the birds who need urgent advice about eating or eating, and there is data od sound recordings for determination of the type according to the photograph and the tone of the vote and the singing of the species. A lot of video tips with detailed explanations of the first emergency aid found for young birds can also be found on our web site. The site is in a continuous update so you can always find something for anyone who is ready to peek into the world of birds.
The mail you can contact us is:
o donate and support the work of our association
you can pay into a giro account:
ERSTE IBAN HR4224020061100864591
Thank you all for your future cooperation!
Sažetak  s ornitološke radionice u OŠ Ljubo Babić Jastrebarsko

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